How to Get the Best Results From Your First Botox® Treatment

Millions of men and women enjoy the beauty of FDA-approved Botox®, the gold standard treatment for banishing crow’s feet and frown lines. Congratulations, you’ve decided to join them.
Dr. Zweiback wants to ensure that your experience is comfortable and your results, simply the best. To that end, here are tips for first-timers:
Avoid certain products
In the week prior to the Botox® treatment, avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatories (such as Advil or Aleve), ginkgo biloba, vitamin E, or fish oil supplements. Compounds in these oral supplements and medications may increase bruising and bleeding. If you need pain relief in the week prior to treatment, Tylenol works great.
You may also want to avoid multivitamins, green tea, ginger, cinnamon, and red wine, all of which contain antioxidants. Antioxidants, although extremely healthy for your diet, can prevent clotting by affecting the integrity of your blood vessels.
Load up on other nutrients
Leafy greens, such as Swiss chard, kale, and broccoli, can boost your levels of vitamin K, which helps thicken your blood and reduces the possibility of bruising and swelling. Plus, they provide all sorts of good vitamins and minerals to make you look and feel healthier.
You may also opt for Arnica pills, which can reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling from the injections. Arnica is a natural supplement that you can find at many natural food stores.
Know what to expect
Botox® injections do involve a needle, so you will feel a pinch upon administration. Most people find the treatments pretty tolerable. In fact, the treatment is over so quickly that you’ll barely notice any pain. If you’re concerned about discomfort, talk to us when you schedule your appointment about applying a topical numbing cream prior to treatment.
Botox® treatments involve multiple injections into the targeted facial muscles. You will receive up to three injections around the areas of each eye, five injections into the muscles between your brows and forehead, and five injections for horizontal forehead lines.
Skin prep
Skin prep prior to arrival you do wear makeup, the areas injected may be cleansed briefly and then wiped down with alcohol. Coming to your appointment bare-faced saves this step. You can reapply makeup right afterward the treatment.
After your appointment
You don’t need to do any planning for after your appointment because Botox® treatments require no downtime. Many people schedule Botox® treatments during their lunch hour and go right back to their daily activities.
Your results of Botox®
The results of your Botox® injections aren’t noticeable until about one to three days post-treatment. Your final results are visible after about seven days. If you want greater wrinkle reduction, you may return for touch-ups. Results typically last about three to four months, so make sure to schedule treatments regularly to maintain your youthful look.
To learn more about Botox or schedule an appointment, call Dr. David Zweiback or book online.
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